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The Benefits of a Regular Pedicure

The benefits of a regular Pedicure

Spring is in the air and time for your feet to see some sunlight

We spend a lot of time on our feet and that is why a pedicure is the perfect foot care for your feet after the long cold winter.

Soaking, massaging, cuticle care and removing dry and dead skin on the heels keeps your feet healthy, looking and feeling great, plus add in a coat of paint for the crowning touch.

Going to a professional pedicurist is a guaranteed relaxing hour spent taking care of your feet. There is something psychological about having a pedicure and most people now view this as a necessity.

Your feet can tell you a lot about what’s going on inside your body.  Reflexology is a great add on to balance out the functions of the body and ensuring all is functioning at a optimal level.

Diabetics need to regularly massage and care for their feet to ensure their feet stay healthy, thus preventing circulatory problem that can lead to gangrene and amputations.

Something to look for when choosing your therapist is:
- Qualifications
- Up to date Health and Hygiene Licence
- Hygiene and cleanliness in the salon and instruments used
- Having your own nail file and buffer
- Quality products
- And a pedicurist that pays extra care to each foot and nail

Foot home care tips
1) Lotion up:  Using a thick foot cream with Urea, fruit acids or Healthy hoof foot cream, will maintain your feet after a pedicure.
2) Foot file:  Using a good foot file a couple of times a week after your bath and shower.
3) Get wet:  Investing in your own foot spa, especially if you spend a lot of time on your feet.  Add in some bath salts you’ll love it.
4) Roll around a tennis ball or a frozen bottle of water:  Rolling it with the sole of the feet will knead out all stiff and soreness.
5) Slip in:  Good footwear that fits well and support the feet well.

Book in for your professional Pedicure or Reflexology session this Spring.